From Mr. T.B. of Ballinskelligs:
"There is a sister to Bognor - the very pretty Miss Lyme, and of course the saintly American uncle from N/Y. St. Regis Hotel who - it is assumed - lives under an assumed name.
I'm off to Prague in the morning so will talk to you when I return. Prague - pronounced Pray - Gee in Midleton."
This somewhat enigmatic message came in today. It is an update on his previous intelligence re. 'The Blessed' Bognor Regis who features in many posts below. He remains silent on the other sister Professor Hilary Bunyan (nee Regis). She is a renowned medical judge and may have coined the maxim 'small stool large hospital'.
Archivist Didier Defargo asks 'is the corollary true; large stool small hospital?'
Without wishing to labour the obvious......'no stool hospital closed'
N.B. The Regis family alluded to above has no connection with that of British award winning Olympic athlete John Regis.
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