Thursday 30 October 2008

On the wings of a dove

"There's no doing to it at all". Stuart Schwartz

Saturday 25 October 2008

Rudra in the Vale of Aherlow

Rudra spent three inspiring days in the Vale of Aherlow with Stuart Schwartz. The edge of the seat was inhabited at times as well as the deep comfort of the sofa and the hard support of the wooden floor. The Vale became the Veil and back again. When asked what 'did it all add up' to Rudra only pitched his head from side to side in a quizzical fashion. It only adds up when the discursive mind wants to solidify the past. Then concepts become set in aspic and the living thread is not seen. But you can take it from a bystander that the living thread was blazing in silence.

Monday 13 October 2008

Following the mouintain stream

Staying on the path through the jungle neccesitates scratches and scrapes as well as the discovery of surprise clearings. As Stuart Schwartz says "Suffering, used well. is a gift"

Saturday 11 October 2008


"God is when you are not". Meister Eckhardt
"What you are looking for is that which is looking". St Francis